2021 Social Events

Holiday Party - Dec. 4


On Saturday, Dec. 4, Post 1758 held our annual holiday party, this year at 18 North Grill in Fishkill. A good time was had by all.

Commander's Dinner - Nov. 8


Monday evening, November 8th found Post 1758 members at the New York State Commander’s visitation dinner held at The Grand in Poughkeepsie. Post members John Call, Dan Oberhauser, Don Burns, Jim Reynolds and Tom Masch represented our post. Tom’s girlfriend Violet accompanied him and helped brighten the table. Violet’s daughter is a staff sergeant currently serving in Korea. The dinner was in honor of Department Commander Francis LaMarsh, Auxiliary President Mary Farley, and Sons of Legion Detachment Commander David Lee.

Dan Oberhauser presented a check on behalf of Post 1758 for $100.00 to commander Francis LaMarsh to support his Operations Comfort Warriors program. The team enjoyed a good meal and great comradery.

Post Picnic - Aug. 29


Firing One of Our M1 Rifles

On Saturday, Aug. 21, Don Burns, Norm Dauerer, Bill Kriebel, Don Muller and Bob Spinillo met at the Whortlekill Rod & Gun club for some live firing of one of our M1 rifles, which normally only fire blanks for ceremonial salutes. Norm Dauerer removed the blank firing adapter from one of our rifles so that live ammunition could be safely used in it. Don Burns could only observe, due to medical reasons, and Bill Kriebel just wanted to record the event with photos.

After Norm set up the range targets and group members loaded live ammo into several clips, Norm proceeded to sight in the rifle for the 100 yard range. Don Muller and Bob Spinillo then each emptied a clip into separate targets. Don proved to be the sharp-shooter of the lot with 5 of 8 hits in the bulls-eye.