2022 Fundraising Events

Veterans Day "Coin Drop" - Nov. 11

This year, we expanded our fundraising beyond Flory's (#1 & #2), Stewart's (Rt. 82) and Convenient Mart, to include the 84 and Redline Diners in Fishkill. Despite being foreshortened by rain, we had a very successful day. We are very thankful to the aforementioned establishments for allowing us to fund-raise on their property.

Post members participating: Santo Abbate, Jeff Boes, Dan Briscoe, Jim Broughton, Don Burns, John Call, Bruce Coneeny, Norm Dauerer, Mark Graser, Dona Greenwood, Len Hart, Kevin Hines, Bill Kriebel, Tom Masch, Bill Meyer, Mike Miller, Ed Morrison, Dan Oberhauser, John Polasko, Commander Jim Reynolds, Joe Ryan and Karl Sokol.

Whortlekill Car Show

Sunday, October 9 featured a car show at the Whortlekill Rod & Gun club, and Post 1758 set up a tent to raise some much-needed funds. Manning the tent were Jeff Boes, Don Burns, Conrad Gagnon, Bill Kriebel, Bill Meyer, John Polasko, Commander Jim Reynolds and Bob Spinillo.

Poppy Day "Coin Drop"

Saturday, May 28 was the day "Manny Bacon" Post distributed "poppies" to patrons and collected donations at Flory's (North and South), Stewart's on Rt. 82 and the Convenience Mart at the intersection of Routes 52 and 82. Recurring rain showers didn't put a damper on the day.

At Convenience Mart, it was Jim Broughton, Mark Graser, John Lyons, Ed Morrison and Dan Oberhauser representing our post. At Stewart's, Jeff Boes, Dona Greenwood, Len Hart and Commander Jim Reynolds manned the tables. Flory's North had Dan Briscoe, Don Burns, Bruce Coneeny and John Polasko. At Flory's South it was Bill Kriebel, Bill Meyer and Mike Miller. Unfortunately, our "photographer" neglected to get any photos from Flory's South.

At the end of our day, we had distributed hundreds of "poppies" in remembrance of those who sacrificed their lives in service of our country. We also collected some "coins" to finance our veterans' programs. All in all, it was a good day.