2024 Civic Events

9/11 Remembrance Ceremony

The Town of East Fishkill hosted a remembrance ceremony on September 11 at 7:00 p.m. for the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks and the failed attack that ended in a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania on 9/11/01.

The following members provided a color guard for the Ceremony: Bill Kriebel, Ed Morrison, Dan Oberhauser, John Call, Bill Meyer, Kevin Hines, John Polasko, John Lyons, and Jim Reynolds.

A full video of the ceremony is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKvEIWns7sg.

Revolutionary War Headstone Dedication - July 4

Back in 2018, when performing the annual ritual of placing flags on the graves of veterans, Commander Reynolds discovered that the headstone of Revolutionary War veteran Henry Charlock, located in a small cemetery in Wiccopee, had fallen over and broken (or perhaps had been vandalized). The U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs does replace broken headstones, but only those of people who served in the U.S. military, which included Washington's Continental Army. Since Charlock fought with the New York Militia, he was not eligible. At first, it was considered to raise money with a GoFundMe campaign. But when Dutchess County initiated a Veterans' micro-grant program, Commander Reynolds applied for money to pay for the headstone, and the application was approved.

With the help of Cassidy Memorials, a new headstone was designed, ordered and delivered and put in place last fall. A proper dedication was scheduled for Independence Day, 2024.

When the day arrived, many local dignitaries came, including East Fishkill Supervisor Nick D'Allesandro, State Assemblyman Anil Beephan, Dutchess County Legislator Stephen Caswell, Dain Pascocello, Senator Rob Rolison's chief of staff and several members of the E.F town board, as well as members of the East Fishkill Fire District, representatives of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and a group of men who do Revolutionary War re-enactments. Post 1758 provided the Honor Guard, and the Revolutionary War re-anacters gave a musket salute.

Post members in attendance: Fred Beck, Jeff Boes, Dan Briscoe, Jim Broughton, John Call, Len Hart, Kevin Hines, Bill Kriebel, Tom Masch, Bill Meyer, Jeff Miedowski, Ed Morrison, Mike Miller, Alan Nalbandian, Dan Oberhauser, John Polasko, Commmander Jim Reynolds. Special thanks to Kevin Hines for coordinating transportation, provided by the Fire District. Parking space was very limited so attendees parked nearby at Fishkill Farms' parking lot and were transported to the cemetery by the fire district's van.

Click here to read the program for the ceremony.

Post 1758 75th Anniversary Celebration

This year marked the seventy-fifth year since Post 1758 was inaugurated. To mark the occasion, the post held an open-house at the East Fishkill Community Center to commemorate the anniversary. We had a good turnout, including several dignitaries from the state, County and town governments including Town Supervisor Nick D'Aessandro and several town board members. There were many displays (pictured in the "Photo Gallery") depicting the many things our post does for veterans and the community.

State Senator Rob Rolison was in attendance and presented a legislative proclamation commending the post. Also in attendance was Adam Roche, director of Veteran Services for Dutchess County. He presented a similar proclamation from County Executive Sue Serino who could not attend due to other commitments.

Special thanks go to Bill Meyer who coordinated the refreshments, which included a copious supply of chips and peanuts generously donated by The Texas Roadhouse.

Post members in attendance were Drew Ballantone, Fred Beck, Jeff Boes, Dan Briscoe, Jim Broughton, Don Burns, John Call, Bruce Coneeny, Charles Hertel, Kevin Hines, Bill Kriebel, Tom Masch, Doug McHoul, Bill Meyer, Jeff Miedowski, John Polasko, Commander Jim Reynolds, Vinnie Richards and Dom Splendoria.

Placing Flags on Veterans' Graves - May 18

The Falls Diner was where post members met at 8:30 to start the day. After partaking of a delicious breakfast, they proceeded to St. Denis Cemetery to place flags on veterans' graves, and then on to Hopewell Reform Church cemetery.

Post members placing flags were Drew Ballantone, Jim Broughton, John Call, Len Hart, Bill Kriebel, Bill Meyer, Mike Miller, Ed Morrison, John Polasko, Joe Quagliano, Commander Jim Reynolds and Karl Sokol (with his wife Lucille). Also lending a hand was Auxiliary member Colleen Quagliano (Joe's wife). Others participating were Boy Scouts and leaders, the "Independent Belles" (3 ladies), 25 or so from Amazon, and another veterans support group.

John Jay H.S. Memorial Day Ceremony - May 22

Post 1758 was invited to have breakfast in the John Jay library, and members arrived at 7:00 a.m. to enjoy it prior to the scheduled ceremony. After the repast, members went to the parking lot to present colors. Commander Jim Reynolds addressed the students (all attending voluntarily) and John Lyons raised and lowered the school's flag.

Post members in attendance were Jim Broughton, John Call, Norm Dauerer, Len Hart, Kevin Hines, Bill Kriebel, John Lyons Tom Masch, Bill Meyer, Dan Oberhauser, John Polasko, Commander Jim Reynolds and Karl Sokol. Also present were Tom Mach's and Norm Dauerer's WWII Jeeps.

East Fishkill Memorial Day Ceremony - May 27


Due to inclement weather, the parade scheduled to start at 10:00 a.m. was cancelled and the ceremony moved to the Community Center. Commander Jim Reynolds acted as Master of Ceremonies and Jeff Miedowski as Chaplain. Len Hart, Claude Wuytack and Dan Oberhauser presented Colors. Post member Army Colonel Mark Baaden gave the keynote address. Norm Dauerer led the rifle squad, manned by Jeff Boes, Bill Meyer, John Call and Kevin Himes, which rendered the salute to the dead. Bill Kriebel, John Lyons, Tom Masch, Jeff Miedowski and John Polasko escorted the wreath-layers. Claude Wuytack laid the Post 1758 wreath. Fred Beck raised and re-lowered the flag. Other post members present were Don Burns (laying the VFW wreath), Dave Dimilia and Doug McHoul.

A full video of the event can be seen on YouTube.

Cemetery Flag Retrieval - June 1

Picking up the flags were Fred Beck, Jeff Boes, Jim Broughton, John Call, Len Hart, Bill Kriebel, Bill Meyer, John Polasko, Commander Jim Reynolds and Karl Sokol (with his wife Lucille).